Stay HealthEE all spring long

Healthy habits are important to maintain all year long but if you’re anything like me, I tend to get a little lackadaisical in the winter months and could use a refresher come spring. If you’re looking to revamp your routine for the warmer weather look no further, we have CDC recommended tips and tricks to get you healthy and ready for the summer.

The CDC recommends you get 150 minutes of moderate intensity leveled activity every week. While 150 may sound like a lot this can work out to 30 minutes a day 5 days a week. Walking can be a great way to get your physical activity in while also going about your everyday routine. Alternatively physical activity can also be a nice break from the norm and an opportunity to try something new. You can join a local gym or take a virtual work out class on demand from the comfort of your backyard through Wellbeats. Sources such as the American College of Sports Medicine advocate that adults engage in resistance training exercises for all major muscle groups at least two days per week. Working out three times per week allows for a more balanced and consistent exercise routine, with adequate rest and recovery time between workouts. 

While you are getting your body moving don’t forget to hydrate! Rethink any sugary sports drinks and sodas instead opt for classic H20 or for a little extra elect a electrolyte infused water. Electrolytes help replace the minerals you naturally lose when sweating as well as improve brain, muscle and heart functions. As spring is a time of rebirth and regrowth, what better time to try new fruits and veggies? 

Of course you need sleep all year long but with longer days and the sun rising earlier now is the time to get your sleep schedule in order to take full advantage of warmer weather and Vitamin D (don’t forget sunblock).


Do you have a primary care doctor?

In a world long before WFH became part of our vocabulary, the yearly physical was well built into the American family calendar. But, somewhere along the way we have increasingly relied on emergency health solutions. 

Waiting until your health needs become emergency room level only results in unfortunate health and financial outcomes. The purpose of a physical is to catch any health concerns early before they genuinely become concerns. But a recent study from membership-based primary care practice, One Medical found that while 89% of employees agree it is essential to receive regular primary care, only 1 in 5 actually have a primary care provider. 

One Medical survey participant cited difficulty navigating the healthcare system, navigating care costs, and making appointments as the top reasons for putting off primary care. Unfortunately, these obstacles ring true for many navigating healthcare today. Healthy Business Group heard these woes and created in response. Do you need help navigating the healthcare system? Then don’t because, with, there are no endless navigation options, just one website for all your benefit needs; truly a one-stop-shop. Have difficulty finding doctors and handling medical bills? When you purchase a medical plan from, you receive access to Rightway, the dedicated health concierge available to assist you in finding in-network doctors, scheduling appointments, handling billing disputes, and more. 

A primary care physician can help prevent diseases, assist in managing chronic conditions, and improve overall health. However, no one needs to be convinced that having a primary care doctor is essential. Instead, we need to communicate that there are tools to make getting to the doctor easier, like


Personalize your benefits

Is anyone really surprised by Businessolver’s findings that 85% of employees are confused about their benefits? Benefit confusion is an ongoing issue in the healthcare industry. Yet employees are not shying away from benefits, with mental health and wellness on the forefront of many minds coming out of the pandemic. Employees want help and access to benefits from their employment. More than help, employees are seeking freedom and a sense of choice from both an employment standpoint as well as from a benefit perspective. In today’s society you can have everything personalized to your needs from the milk in your coffee to the style in which you work best (WFH or IO). Especially considering how personal health decisions are, purchasing benefits based on your personal needs should be the baseline, not the exception.

So as an employee how can you personalize and better understand your healthcare experience? For one, many companies have programs that go under utilized due to lack of recognition so seeking out the exact benefits your company offers is a great first step. 

If you A) are underwhelmed by the benefits being offered to you or B) do not have benefits offered through your employer or are your own employer you can still experience personalized benefits. With confusion running rampant in the marketplace we recommend speaking with a support team that is local and not sales oriented. Your health is just that yours and your benefits should truly be yours too. Healthy Business Group knows employees are confused and want more from their benefits. Our Support team is truly a free resource created to help you better understand the options available to you. When you browse our one-stop-shop you can personalize your benefits purchasing experience. You can pick and choose the kind of coverage and level of coverage that works best for you. You also get to choose your length of coverage with no open enrollment periods, you pay monthly and can decide when to purchase. 

With open eligibility and free access to our support team for everyone in the US it’s never been easier or more personalized to get benefits. 
